Achieve your dream body with Keto Fuel & a personalized keto plan

Amazon’s choice:

4.3 out of 5

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Meet your three-step weight loss plan

Seamlessly integrate keto into your life

Get a plan with custom breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes, which won’t leave you hungry or unsatisfied.

See results and stay motivated

Make sticking to your plan easy with smart keto tools. Get a motivation boost by logging your progress!

Beat plateaus with an expert formula

Support your weight loss with MCT oil, collagen, and essential electrolytes. Maximize your plan’s effectiveness!

Combine Keto Fuel with a personalized meal plan to:

  • Lose weight faster

    By providing your body with the essential nutrients it needs to burn fat faster, Keto Fuel will make your personalized keto plan even more effective.

  • Control your appetite

    MCT oil helps you feel fuller for longer and reduces cravings, making it easier to stick to your personalized keto meal plan and avoid unhealthy snacking.

  • Avoid the keto flu

    The essential electrolytes in Keto Fuel help replenish minerals lost during the initial stages of the ketogenic diet, reducing symptoms of the keto flu and helping you have a smooth weight loss journey.

  • Sustain ketosis long-term

    MCT oil is a quick and efficient source of energy that helps maintain ketosis, the metabolic state in which your body burns fat for fuel, and supports your weight loss goals!

Choose your plan & Fuel combo

21 779

people have already started keto this month. Join them!

Guaranteed safe checkout

Keto cycle app and Keto Fuel

Free shipping 4-7 days

No added sugar



Made in the US




Achieve your goals faster with a personal keto meal plan

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Track your progress

Don’t lose sight of your goals. Stay motivated with weight, water, and step trackers!

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Personalized for you

You pick your favorite foods. We optimize your menu to get the tastiest recipes.

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Shop with confidence

Save money and time with a precise shopping list — for your peace of mind.

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Stay flexible

Relax without breaking your diet. Switch out meals or create custom ones on the go!


Fuel progress with a revolutionary formula

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Get into ketosis faster

The MCT oil in Keto Fuel is easily converted into ketones, which can speed up ketosis. That means you can burn fat even faster!

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Feel fuller for longer

MCT oil is also known to promote the release of hormones that signal your belly is at capacity, which can reduce your appetite.

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Avoid the keto flu

That’s fatigue, muscle cramps, and headaches. The minerals in Keto Fuel will prevent these symptoms by balancing your hydration and electrolyte levels.

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Lose fat, not muscle

Getting all the necessary nutrition can help you preserve muscle mass. It’s important to ensure that the inches off of your waist are actually fat tissue!

Your shortcut to weight loss

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Thousands of people have used Keto Cycle for fast weight loss


Koreena W.

“Keto has given me my years back”

Keto Cycle changed everything for me. The plan was easy to follow and I was never hungry. After only 4 months, I have so much more energy. I even started working out again.


Mike L.

“I feel better than I have in years”

After I went into a cardiac arrest last year, I knew I was given a \"mulligan\" in life. After treatment, I decided I want to change my life. When I stumbled upon Keto Cycle, I was immediately amazed at how easy the recipes were to follow. The food was fantastic too.


Sandra A.

“I vowed to make myself happy”

The beauty of this Keto program is that you can make it your own. You can eat whenever you want, snack on delicious treats, and still feel great at the end of the day. That’s how it’s been for me. If I can make it this far, anyone can, thanks to Keto Cycle!


Ayla W.

“All I can say is try”

For years everyone else was noticing the weight, but all I could say was 'who am I trying to impress?' I thank myself every day I finally listened. I think the fear of possible failure kept me from doing something sooner. Give yourself the chance to find success!

People Often Ask

No, this is not a meal replacement. Keto Cycle Fuel is designed to add extra ketones to your diet, not replace them. For optimal keto results, we recommend combining this supplement with a healthy and balanced keto diet.

Keto Cycle Cycle Fuel consists of whey protein, MCT oil, collagen peptides, calcium, chloride, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.\n\nOther ingredients for Chocolate Fuel are cocoa powder (processed with alkali), sea salt, natural flavor WONF, stevia extract.\n\nIngredients for Vanilla Fuel contains resistant maltodextrin, natural flavors, sea salt, and stevia extract.\n\nNo added sugar.

For best results, we recommend taking it 1-2 times a day.

There are 15 servings in a package. The serving size is 1 scoop or approximately 17 grams.

1 serving (or 17 grams) contains 80 calories, 5 grams of fat, 4 grams of carbohydrates, and 7 grams of protein.

Mix 17 g with 8 fl oz (240 ml) of water. Stir or shake it in a shaker to dissolve it. You can also add it to your water or a cup of coffee. Choose the right time according to your schedule: 1 hour before your first meal in the morning or 1 hour before/after exercise.

Yes, it will break the fast because it contains more than 50 calories per serving. It is also high in protein, fats, and carbohydrates, which you should not eat not during your fasting window.

Choose your plan & Fuel combo

21 779

people have already started keto this month. Join them!

Guaranteed safe checkout

Keto cycle app and Keto Fuel

Free shipping 4-7 days